Cost price & Total Profit Of The Campaign Mode (PVE)
Each Hero NFT has 2 indicators, Costprice & Total Profit (only applicable for the Campaign Mode)
Cost price:
Cost Price is the total creation cost of 1 NFT at any given time, understood as the heroNFT cost of mining at level 1.
Cost price is the hero's fixed USDT price announced at level 1 according to the table below.
Cost Price of 1 NFT will be converted to GEM according to the convention 1 USD = 100 GEM. Thus each NFT has:
Cost Price/1 NFT = 5000 GEM
The Cost Price of Hero level 1 is listed in the following table:
Name | Price |
Eira | 50 USDT |
Orson | 50 USDT |
Zel | 50 USDT |
Zel | 50 USDT |
Octonus | 50 USDT |
Farrer | 50 USDT |
Kekor | 50 USDT |
Alva | 50 USDT |
Besides, FOTA 2 will have NFT heroes summoned from GEM with values like the table below:
Name | Price |
Gideon | 6000 GEM |
Malhela | 6000 GEM |
Eryk | 6000 GEM |
Keisha | 6000 GEM |
Grimm | 6000 GEM |
Amaltheus | 6000 GEM |
Tigis | 6000 GEM |
Godwyn | 6000 GEM |
Cost Price of a heroNFT does not change when a user buys or rents a hero from another user
Cost Price has always been a fixed number since mint
Total Profit of the Campaign Mode (PVE)
Reward table of 30 missions:
Mission Reward, after deducting other fees, will be divided into 3 and added to the Total Profit index of 3 heroesNFT participating in the match.
An NFT hero is said to be maxed profit when:
+ The total number of GEMs received is equal to300% cost price
+ Hero NFT when maxed profit can't be brought into the lineup to playCampaign Mode (PVE).
NOTE : The concept of maxprofit is only used for Campaign Mode (PVE)User can use maxProfit hero in Duel Wager mode.
For The Ascent
If using owned hero and prepaid rental hero, User gets 90% GEM when winning.
If using postpaid rental hero, User gets X% of 90% GEM reward. In which X% is the rate that the owner of the order pays the rent after dividing it to the lessee.
The remaining 10% GEM reward:
2% GEM is a referral bonus transferred to the inviter wallet if the inviter meets the conditions to receive.
3% GEM is Farm fee, will convert into FOTA token to transfer to Farm
5% GEM of the remaining 95% is Landlord fees.
Last updated