"In my time, I have witnessed flames that would make even the gods tremble."


"In my time, I have witnessed flames that would make even the gods tremble."

Farrer, an elite cyborg warrior of The Keen clan, was created by the materialistic Fisher clan in Modern City, who believed in science over magic. But the influence of the Aether in Middle-earth gave rise to consciousness and independent thought in the robots, including Farrer. As the upper classes treated them as mere objects, Farrer secretly gathered an army to demand justice for the Keen race.

The rebellion of Farrer and his cyborg army succeeded with the help of a division within the Fisher family. While Bevis Fischer and his followers pursued profit through the arms trade, Airazor Fischer and her supporters sought peace with the cyborgs. Manfred Fischer, Airazor's brother, even replaced his own body parts with machines and became the first generation cyborg known as Ironman Atomicborg M.F.

The arrival of the cyborgs brought victory for Airazor and The Keen clan, and they established the Code of The Keen, prioritizing the interests of the people. Those who followed Bevis Fischer were banished from Modern City, while Farrer and his kind stood tall amidst the flames of revolution."

⚜️ Race: Keen

⚜️ Class: Mech

Farrer is a mighty Keen warrior of the Modern City powered by Aether. He was made by those materialists who believed that magic was the root of all evils, only science was essential for their lives and for the universe. When it comes to his skillset, Farrer carries destruction with his catastrophic weaponry. In battles, Farrer showcases three main skills:

Skill 1: Power Shot

Farrer locks a target and releases a destructive shot, dealing damage and stunning the enemy for a short period.

Skill 2: Power Up

Farrer focuses his energy, increasing chances to deal critical damage.

Skill 3: KABOOM

Farrer raises his arms towards the sky, focusing his energy. After a short moment, Farrer releases a devastating Ballistic Missile with greater range and higher accuracy, bringing death upon all enemies.

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